The criminals of the San Francisco Department of Homelessness

This post attempts to cross check publicly available names of clients in SF HSH with publicly available criminal records. Ordinarely HSH clients are under HIPAA privacy regulations but there are a few sources that are public such as restraining orders civil lawsuits and evictions. All this is, is cross checking the names in these three above links with Localcrimenews. Additional names are in more recent eviction filngs like these evictions

A previous attempt at this in 2011 only included address but no names. And when you concentrate all this in the middle of downtown, it creates a doom loop

Only a few names have been checked so far and more will likley be added in the future

This portion copied from supportive housing litigation games

1.Other tenants like Shan Bowerman #616 have arrest records all over the bay area.Update September 2024, Shan Bowerman was arrested again recently and again even more recently in San Mateo

2.Plaintiff and tenant Cameron Combs #414 has been arrested for selling drugs.

3.Plaintiff and tenant William Wyloge #423 has been arrested and made the news for threatening people on the street with a hypodermic needle.

4.Plaintiff Carlos Law #125 has quite a rap sheet.

5.Tenant Charles Bursey #135 assaulted a cohabitant in 2017.

6.Jonathan Braddy305 was arrested for robbery just days before this lawsuit was filed room #305 and 207 on LocalcrimNews could be a mismatch or THC simpl,y could have moved him to another room.

7.Plaintiff Melvin Junior #232 (Seneca) was recently arrested for ammunition and drug paraphernalia.

8.Ruben Mesa 603 was recently arrested for possession of narcotics.

9.Michael Hands, plaintiff at the Jefferson has an arrest record all over California

More recent additions 3.19.25

10.Monique Davis, who shot a social worker in the face

11.Leon Krigbaum has an arrest record all over California

12.Walker Quinn, meth addict who perpetually causes mayhem around SF

13.Jonathan Braddy drugs and robbery

14.Mustapha Math the explosives guy

15.Romelle Rattler, child abuse, assault, threatening staff with a gun

16.Boris Sokolov, assault, threats

17.Stewart Slaughter vehicle theft 2022

18.Brett Major, recently arrested after lawsuit filed, stolen vehicle

19.Dustin Garcia organized retail theft

20.John Fradet, assault, burglary, drugs and three restraining orders

21.Brian Borland, plaintiff and BART crapper

22.Jason Vest assault with deadly weapon

23.Michael Ramirez, theft, assult, drug dealing

24.Lavonda Myles assault, tear gas

25.Zanna Bergstroom robbery, organized retail theft

26.Carl Applon elder, abuse, grand theft, firearms

Posted in 6th street | Leave a comment

Supportive housing litigation games

In San Francisco, drug addicts in Housing First supportive housing are suing because supportive housing has drug paraphernalia and behaviors associated with drug addicts

Simply put, you the taxpayer owe us money because you allowed us to destroy your property

update 1.24.25 Early indication the insurance company is starting to fight the case

update 10.12.24 new report by HSH Director Shireen McSpaddden on how insurance costs are 20% higher in PSH due to damages by tenants

Update 8.1.24 camera attacked related to an incident 2 days earlier causing even more damage to the building

Update 8.5.24 despite notifying staff on 8.1.24 with videos via email, the attacks continue, this time trying to torch the camera

This post centers around recent mass lawsuits filed against some of the top supportive housing non profits in San Francisco

Craig v THC which is the Seneca SRO at 34 6th street,
Borland v THC which is the Jefferson SRO at 440 Eddy,
Emelia v THC which is the Boyda SRO at 41 Jones
Craigie v THC which is the Hartland SRO at 909 Geary

A fifth mass lawsuit was added 12.9.24
Addie v THC which is the Wynton at 445 O'Farrell

A sixth mass lawsuit has been added 10.28.24 Anderson v THC wich is the Garland SRO at 505 O'Farrell

A seventh mass lawsuit was added 9.10.24 Davis v THC which is the Mission hotel at 505 S Van Ness

Another mass lawsuit has been filed Anderson v Mercy Housing over 833 Bryant, a new supportive housing building that was in the news recently because of a staff involved shooting and horrific conditions inside the building. This was filed by the same attorney Timothy Kodani that filed the 2016 mass lawsuits below. Text of plaintiffs now added at bottom

update, 833 Bryant a 1st ammended complaint was filed 2.23.25 with more names and new charges

update 2.25.25 yet another mass lawsuit from the same attorneys with nearly identical allegations including drug dealers in the building at Hotel Isabel at 7th and Mission see Robinson v TODCO

More links and info on X can be found here

This type of mass lawsuit is not new. In 2016 a series of similar mass lawsuits were filed starting with Amerson v THC which were widely rumoured to have settled for 5k for each tenant, and most of it spent on drugs. More related lawsuits all filed by the same attorney Timothy Kodani 2016-2017 here, here and here

Many of the allegations were similar habitability issues, failure to repair damaged items, pest infestation things like that. The habitability issues were never repaired and even if they were it's temporary since the tenants themselves are causing the damage. If the staff were doing this damage that would be contract fraud, or sabotaging the contract in order to inflate the price of the contract. One example from 2016. This is Orvelton Neal who was a plaintiff in the nearly identical Amerson v Tenderloin Housing Clinic

In 2015 Tenderloin Housing Clinic caught him selling crack next to the building and and tried to evict him but later settled. In 2016 he was one of the plaintiffs in that lawsuit Amerson v THC while continuing to sell crack in the alley

Emily Cohen of HSH at the Homeless Oversight Commission 9.7.23 "Emily Cohen of HSH - a large part of the increase in supportive housing funding is for repairing units that 'have drywall missing-torn down to the studs, floors ripped up. piping tapped into, electric sockets ripped out"

One major difference between 2016 and 2024 is recently the Department of homelessness granted 108mm in extra grant money to Tenderloin Housing Clinic mostly for the purpose of repairing damaged buildings. These type of tenant caused damages were also described in a San Francisco Board of Supervisors hearing on evictions in 2023 here, here, here, and here. Another hearing described the same thing more recently at another Board of Supervisors hearing in March 2024 regarding Homerise Mission Bay here, here and here. This non profit, Tenderloin Housing Clinic has had an official policy of primariliy housing 'chronic substance abusers since at least 2001

This follows an official policy of Harm Reduction and Housing First since at least 2004 and state law since 2016 which was cosponsored by the current city attorney David Chiu and shaped by the executive director of this very same non profit

A major problem with this type of mass lawsuit is if it drags out and goes to trial, it could end up exposing internal documents that show public officials knew the policy of prioritizing high risk addicts would lead to outcomes like this. So the non profit is more likely to settle and pay off the very same addicts with your tax money to keep them quiet

Part of the problem is the newly created HSH Oversight Commision and especially progressives like Christin Evans is putting pressure on HSH to to fill all 800 current vacancies. This puts pressure on non profits to avoid evictions for things like property damage. For example, one of the plaintiffs, Mr Rooney #634 is not being evicted despite unhinging his door over a dozen times and destroying his room. This means there's no incentive to stop the damage and more incentive to sue over that damage and the more damage there is, the larger the settlement. Only a few members of the Oversight Commission have started questioning what exactly happens when people destroy their units and who's responsible for things like arson. Also, many of the plaintiffs have recently recently failed habitability inspections by a third party as part of new HSH rules

These lawsuits may have may have been coordinated with the help of the Tenderloin SRO Collaborative, which is incorporated into Tenderloin Housing Clinic according to 990 records and which Shirley Jackson is part of. She was a plaintiff in both the 2016 and 2024 lawsuits

There have been other lawsuits against THC but from inherited tenants alleging the same thing. But they don't know that 'non residents gaining access to the property' are usually signed in by HSH funded tenants and then left to roam freely, sometimes for months or even years

One of the charges in these latest lawsuits is that the non profit has lax security which allows non residents into the building bringing mayhem and drug items into the building, but this is one of the plaintiffs, Noel Quintana #621 in Craig v THC

Noel himself signed people into the building who never left and spent more than a year living in his room running a bike chop shop while being on probation after being arrested numerous times for breaking and entering and theft. Noel and his friend also broke down his own door contributing to the dilapidated conditions he's suing over. Update, one of the longer threads about Noel Quintana and his room damaging is now unrolled on Threadreader app. Thread continues even after being unrolled 10.24.24 2nd unroll of thread for more recent additions. update 10.26.24 Noel621 is in jail again and different people have been accessing his unlocked room, like a person caught beating her own dog in the hallway. Update 10.30.24 question posed to Homeless Oversight Commission member Sharky Laguana "how are unauthorized people able to live in supportive housing for more than a year and the staff doesn't know about it" Apparently because plaintiffs have been harboring them inside their rooms. Update 11.8.24 long thread on Noel621 updated (threadreader app unable to capture entire thread, more than 100 posts)

Update 11.1.24, new Sunshine Ordinance request reveals multiple people failing DPH inspetions due to hoarding/cluttering/rodent infestation, and at least one of them is a plaintiff,. unit 525

Another tenant who's suing, Thomas Rooney #634 continuously destroyed his own room while high on meth and took his own door off the hinges. Another update on Mr Rooney 8.28.24. Update 10.24.24, Mr Rooney set his room on fire tonight. Update 11.15.24 latest photos of Rooney634 room now. Also, the HSH Oversight Commission latest meeting said they would be providing 10k or 700k total to repair damageds units

Another tenant, Kevin Miller #626, is also a meth addict who distributes meth inside the building, and has had regular fights over meth and has tossed meth pipes into the hallway, while starting fires which made the news and caused damage and severely burned one of his guests. Kevin has also been arrested for drugs

Other tenants like Shan Bowerman #616 have arrest records all over the bay area.Update September 2024, Shan Bowerman was arrested again recently Plaintiff and tenant Cameron Combs #414 has been arrested for selling drugs. Plaintiff and tenant William Wyloge #423 has been arrested and made the news for threatening people on the street with a hypodermic needle. Plaintiff Carlos Law #125 has quite a rap sheet. Tenant Charles Bursey #135 assaulted a cohabitant in 2017. Jonathan Braddy305 was arrested for robbery just days before this lawsuit was filed room #305 and 207 on LocalcrimNews could be a mismatch or THC simpl,y could have moved him to another room. Plaintiff Melvin Junior #232 (Seneca) was recently arrested for ammunition and drug paraphernalia. Ruben Mesa 603 was recently arrested for possession of narcotics. Michael Hands, plaintiff at the Jefferson has an arrest record all over California

----------------list of plaintiffs OCR converted via ARCHIVE.ORG-----------

Multiple parties v Tenderloin Housing Clinic 2024

Craig v THC, 34 6th st, Seneca SRO

l. Plaintiff Alice Craig, (“Craig225”’) is an individual and current tenant within the City and
County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #225 San Francisco, CA, 94103. 34
Sixth Street is a Single Room Occupancy (hereinafter, “SRO”) building at the corner of Sixth
and Market Street in San Francisco (“Premises”).
2; Plaintiff Amanda Nielson, (“Nielson511”) is an individual and current tenant within the
City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #511, SF, CA, 94103.
3: Plaintiff Anthony Bourne, (“Bourne403”) is an individual and current tenant within the
City and County of San Francsico, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #403, SF, CA, 94103.

  1. Plaintiff Anthony Young, (“Young120”) is an individual and current tenant within the
    City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #120, SF, CA, 94103.

  2. Plaintiff Arthur Kirby, (“Kirby521”’) is an individual and current tenant within the City
    and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #521, SF, CA, 94103.

  3. Plaintiff Billy Wallace, (“Wallace617”) is an individual and current tenant within the
    City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #617, SF, CA, 94103.

  4. Plaintiff Bradley Martin, (“Martin132”) is an individual and current tenant within the
    City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #132, SF, CA, 94103.

  5. Plaintiff Brian Rogers, (“Rogers628”’) is an individual and current tenant within the City
    and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #628, SF, CA, 94103.

9, Plaintiff Cameron Combs, (“Combs404”) is an individual and current tenant within the
City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #404, SF, CA, 94103.

  1. Plaintiff Carlos Law, (“Law125”) is an individual and current tenant within the City and
    County of San Francisco, and lives at 34Sixth Street, Unit #125, SF, CA, 94103.

  2. Plaintiff Carrie Snipes, (“Snipes611”) is an individual and current tenant within the City
    and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #611, SF, CA, 94103.

  3. Plaintiff Charles Bursey, (“Bursey135”) is an individual and current tenant within the
    City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #135, SF, CA, 94103.

  4. Plaintiff Christian Valencia, (“Valencia425”’) is an individual and current tenant within
    the City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #425, SF, CA, 94103.

  5. Plaintiff Daniel O’ Callaghan, (“O’Callaghan218”’) is an individual and current tenant
    within the City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #218, SF, CA,

15; Plaintiff David White, (““White102”) is an individual and current tenant within the City
and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #102, SF, CA, 94103.

  1. Plaintiff, Dominic DeLonge (““DeLonge503”’) is an individual and current tenant within
    the City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #503, SF, CA, 94103.
    17; Plaintiff, Dustin Garcia (“Garcia109”) is an individual and current tenant within the City

and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #109, SF, CA, 94103.


  1. Plaintiff, Dylan Beers (“Beers412”) is an individual and current tenant within the City
    and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #412, SF, CA, 94103.

  2. Plaintiff Eric Jackson, (“Jackson428”) is an individual and current tenant within the City
    and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #428, SF, CA, 94103.

  3. Plaintiff Fawn Galloway-Dean (“Galloway229”) is an individual and current tenant
    within the City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #229, SF, CA,

PAM Plaintiff Fernando Estrada Ruiz, (“Estrada614’) is an individual and current tenant withi
the City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #614, SF, CA, 94103.

  1. Plaintiff Frederick Beasley, (“Beasley114’) is an individual and current tenant within the
    City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #114, SF, CA, 94103.

  2. Plaintiff George Graves, (““Graves525”’) is an individual and current tenant within the
    City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit # 525, SF, CA, 94103.

  3. Plaintiff Gilberto Vererra, (“Vererra311”’) is an individual and current tenant within the
    City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #311, SF, CA, 94103.

  4. Plaintiff Gregory Murray, (“Murray515”) is an individual and current tenant within the
    City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #515, SF, CA, 94103.

  5. Plaintiff Gregory Zuuiga, (“Zuuiga512”) is an individual and current tenant within the
    City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #512, SF, CA, 94103.

  6. Plaintiff James Stuart, (“Stuart128”) is an individual and current tenant within the City
    and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit # 128, SF, CA, 94103.

  7. Plaintiff James Truitt, (“Truitt524’’) is an individual and current tenant within the City
    and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #524, SF, CA, 94103.

  8. Plaintiff Jeremy Ramirez, (“Ramirez115”’) is an individual and current tenant within the
    City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #115, SF, CA, 94103.

  9. Plaintiff Jody Morrow, (“Morrow533”’) is an individual and current tenant within the Cit

and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #533, SF, CA, 94103.


  1. Plaintiff Jonathan Braddy, (“Braddy305”) is an individual and current tenant within the
    City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #305, SF, CA, 94103.

  2. Plaintiff Jose Saucedo, (“Saucedo41 1”) is an individual and current tenant within the Cit
    and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #411, SF, CA, 94103.

  3. Plaintiff Kenneth Sagar, (“Sagar301”) is an individual and current tenant within the City
    and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #301, SF, CA, 94103.

  4. Plaintiff Kevin Masiell, (‘Masiell532”) is an individual and current tenant within the City
    and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #532, SF, CA, 94103.

35: Plaintiff Kevin Miller, (“Miller626”) is an individual and current tenant within the City
and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #626, SF, CA, 94103.

  1. Plaintiff Kimberly Milhorn, (“Millhorn303”) is an individual and current tenant within
    the City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #303, SF, CA, 94103.
    a7; Plaintiff Kip Corrigan, (“Corrigan505”’) is an individual and current tenant within the
    City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #505, SF, CA, 94103.

  2. Plaintiff Leonard Carr, (“Carr528”) is an individual and current tenant within the City
    and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #528, SF, CA, 94103.

  3. Plaintiff Leonardo Gonzalliz, (“Gonzalliz504”) is an individual and current tenant within
    the City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #504, SF, CA, 94103.

  4. Plaintiff Le Star Russell, (“Russell309”’) is an individual and current tenant within the
    City and County of San Francisco, and formally lived at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #309, SF, CA,

  5. Plaintiff Melissa O’ Callaghan, (“O’Callaghan535”’) is an individual and current tenant
    within the City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #535, SF, CA,

  6. Plaintiff Melvin Junior, (“Junior232”) is an individual and current tenant within the City
    and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #232, SF, CA, 94103.

  7. Plaintiff Michael Chaplin, (“Chaplin606”) is an individual and current tenant within the

City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #606, SF, CA, 94103.


  1. Plaintiff Milton Feliciano Jr., (“Feliciano407”) is an individual and current tenant within
    the City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #407, SF, CA, 94103.

  2. Plaintiff Noel Quintana, (“Quintana621”’) is an individual and current tenant within the
    City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #621, SF, CA, 94103.

  3. Plaintiff Pablo De Castro, (“De Castro529”’) is an individual and current tenant within the
    City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #529, SF, CA, 94103.

  4. Plaintiff Raford Houston, (“Houston502”) is an individual and current tenant within the
    City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #502, SF, CA, 94103.

  5. Plaintiff Ramona Penikila, (““Penikila604’’) is an individual and current tenant within the
    City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #604, SF, CA, 94103.

  6. Plaintiff Rena Junior, (““Rena203”) is an individual and current tenant within the City and
    County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #203, SF, CA 94103.

  7. Plaintiff Richard Gatenbein, (“Gatenbein426”) is an individual and current tenant within
    the City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #426, SF, CA, 94103.

  8. Plaintiff Richard Moss, (“Moss302”) is an individual and current tenant within the City
    and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #302, SF, CA, 94103.

  9. Plaintiff Ricki Nunes, (“Nunes615”) is an individual and current tenant within the City
    and County of San Francisco, and formally lived at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #615, SF, CA, 94103.

  10. Plaintiff Roger Tims, (“Tims526”) is an individual and current tenant within the City and
    County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #526, SF, CA, 94103.

  11. Plaintiff Ruben Mesa, (“Mesa603”) is an individual and current tenant within the City
    and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #603, SF, CA, 94103.

  12. Plaintiff Russell Warner, (“Warner223”) is an individual and current tenant within the
    City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #223, SF, CA, 94103.

  13. Plaintiff Shan Bowerman, (“Bowerman616”) is an individual and current tenant within
    the City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #616, SF, CA, 94103.

  14. Plaintiff Siobhon Kelly, (“Kelly217”) is an individual and current tenant within the City
    and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #217, SF, CA, 94103.

  15. Plaintiff Shirley Jackson, (“Jackson215”’) is an individual and current tenant within the
    City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #215, SF, CA, 94103.

  16. Plaintiff Sonia Pitambar, (“Pitambar308”) is an individual and current tenant within the
    City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #308, SF, CA, 94103.

  17. Plaintiff Steven Dsmuke, (“Dsmuke321”) is an individual and current tenant within the
    City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #321, SF, CA, 94103.

  18. Plaintiff Stewart Slaughter, (“Slaughter134’’) is an individual and current tenant within
    the City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #134, SF, CA, 94103.

  19. Plaintiff Terry Hicks, (“Hicks618”) is an individual and current tenant within the City an
    County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #618, SF, CA, 94103.

  20. Plaintiff Vincent “Veronica” Soto, (“Soto514’’) is an individual and current tenant within
    the City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #514, SF, CA, 94103.

  21. Plaintiff William Wyloge, (“Wyloge423”) is an individual and current tenant within the
    City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #423, SF, CA, 94103.

  22. Plaintiff Andrew Hightower, (“Hightower522”) is an individual and current tenant within
    the City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #522, SF, CA, 94103.

  23. Plaintiff Thomas Rooney, (“Rooney634’”) is an individual and current tenant within the
    City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #634, SF, CA, 94103.

  24. Plaintiff Zachary McVay, (“McVay435”) is an individual and current tenant within the
    City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #435, SF, CA, 94103.

  25. Debra Osibit, (“Osibit304”) is an individual and current tenant within the City and
    County of San Francisco, and lives at 34 Sixth Street, Unit #304, SF, CA, 94103.

  26. Defendant 32-40 6" Street, LLC, (“LLC”) has been the property owner of the Premises a
    all times relevant to this Complaint.

  27. Defendant Tenderloin Housing Clinic, Inc., (“THC”) has been the property manager for
    the Premises at all times relevant to the Complaint.

71, The true names and capacities of the Defendants sued as Does are unknown to Plaintiffs.

Once Plaintiffs became aware of the true names and capacities of Defendants sued as Does,

Borland v THC 440 Eddy, Jefferson SRO

l. Plaintiff Brian Borland, (“Borland110”) is an individual and current tenant within the
City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 440 Eddy Street, Unit #110 San Francisco, CA,

  1. 440 Eddy Street is a Single Room Occupancy ( “SRO”’) building at the corner of Eddy
    and Leavenworth Street in San Francisco (“Premises”).

2: Plaintiff Daniel Harris, (“Harris121”) is an individual and current tenant within the City
and County of San Francisco, and lives at 440 Eddy Street, Unit #121, SF, CA, 94102.

  1. Plaintiff Douglas Flemming, (“Flemming304’) is an individual and current tenant within
    the City and County of San Francsico, and lives at 440 Eddy Street, Unit #304, SF, CA, 94102.

  2. Plaintiff Jason Vest, (“Vest302”) is an individual and current tenant within the City and
    County of San Francisco, and lives at 440 Eddy Street, Unit #302, SF, CA, 94102.

  3. Plaintiff Joseph Atchan, (“Atchan314”) is an individual and current tenant within the Cit
    and County of San Francisco, and lives at 440 Eddy Street, Unit #314, SF, CA, 94102.

  4. Plaintiff Julio Valle, (“Valle104’’) is an individual and current tenant within the City and
    County of San Francisco, and lives at 440 Eddy Street, Unit #104, SF, CA, 94102.

  5. Plaintiff Katilyn Lanphear, (“Lanphear509”) is an individual and current tenant within
    the City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 440 Eddy Street, Unit #509, SF, CA, 94102.

  6. Plaintiff Kayla Watson, (““Watson418”) is an individual and current tenant within the Cit
    and County of San Francisco, and lives at 440 Eddy Street, Unit #418, SF, CA, 94102.

  7. Plaintiff Mark Dasccnzo, (““Dasccnzo0415) is an individual and current tenant within the
    City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 440 Eddy Street, Unit #415, SF, CA, 94102.

  8. Plaintiff Michael Hands, (“Hands323”) is an individual and current tenant within the City
    and County of San Francisco, and lives at 440 Eddy Street, Unit #323, SF, CA, 94102.

  9. Plaintiff Michael Ramirez, (“Ramirez316’’) is an individual and current tenant within the
    City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 440 Eddy Street, Unit #316, SF, CA, 94102.

12, Plaintiff Quentin Williams, (“Williams422”) is an individual and current tenant within
the City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 440 Eddy Street, Unit #422, SF, CA, 94102.

  1. Plaintiff Ryan Latimer, (“Latimer409”) is an individual and current tenant within the City

and County of San Francisco, and lives at 440 Eddy Street, Unit #409, SF, CA, 94102.


Emelia v THC 41 Jones, Boyd SRO

l. Plaintiff Ahndy Emelia, ("Emelia510") is a current resident of the City and County of
San Francisco, and lives at 41 Jones Street, Unit 510 San Francisco, CA, 94102. 41 Jones Street
is a SRO building at the corners of Jones and McAllister Street in San Francisco, ("Premises").
2: Plaintiff Amie Havener, ("Havener214") is a current resident of the City and County of
San Francisco, and lives at 41 Jones Street, Unit #214, San Francisco, CA, 94102.
3; Plaintiff Andrew Cross, ("Cross409") is a current resident of the City and County of San
Francsico, and lives at 41 Jones Street, Unit #409, San Francisco, CA, 94102.

  1. Plaintiff Barbara Palmer, ("Palmer305") is a current resident of the City and County of
    San Francisco, and lives at 41 Jones Street, Unit #305, San Francisco, CA, 94102.
  2. Plaintiff Brett J Major, ("Major607") is a current resident of the City and County of San
    Francisco, and lives at 41 Jones Street, Unit #607, San Francisco, CA, 94102.
  3. Plaintiff Charles Beavers, ("Beavers406") is a current resident of the City and County of
    San Francisco, and lives at 41 Jones Street, Unit #406, San Francisco, CA, 94102.
  4. Plaintiff Darien Black, ("Black312") is a current resident of the City and County of San
    Francisco, and lives at 41 Jones Street, Unit #212, San Francisco, CA, 94102.
  5. Plaintiff Efren Echi, ("Echi514") is a current resident of the City and County of San
    Francisco, and lives at 41 Jones Street, Unit #514, San Francisco, CA, 94102.
    9; Plaintiff Erica Stewart, ("Stewart408") is a current resident of the City and County of San
    Francisco, and lives at 41 Jones Street, Unit #408, San Francisco, CA, 94102.
  6. Plaintiff Federico Mustelier, ("Mustelier706") is a current resident of the City and Count
    of San Francisco, and lives at 41 Jones Street, Unit #706, San Francisco, CA, 94102.
  7. Plaintiff Fred Plate, ("Plate508") is a current resident of the City and County of San
    Francisco, and lives at 41 Jones Street, Unit #508, San Francisco, CA, 94102.
  8. Plaintiff Gary Barker, ("Barker511") is a current resident of the City and County of San

Francisco, and lives at 41 Jones Street, Unit #511, San Francisco, CA, 94102.


  1. Plaintiff James Holland, ("Holland615") is a current resident of the City and County of
    San Francisco, and lives at 41 Jones Street, Unit #615, San Francisco, CA, 94102.

  2. Plaintiff, Jeffrey Egbert ("Egbert306") is a current resident of the City and County of San
    Francisco, and lives at 41 Jones Street, Unit #306, San Francisco, CA, 94102.

  3. Plaintiff, Jonathan Ellis ("Ellis315") is a current resident of the City and County of San
    Francisco, and lives at 41 Jones Street, Unit #315, San Francisco, CA, 94102.

  4. Plaintiff, Jose A. Ortega ("Ortega509") is a current resident of the City and County of Sa
    Francisco, and lives at 41 Jones Street, Unit #509, San Francisco, CA, 94102.

  5. Plaintiff Justin Gonsalves, ("Gonsalves701") is a current resident of the City and County
    of San Francisco, and lives at 41 Jones Street, Unit #701, San Francisco, CA, 94102.

  6. Plaintiff Lafayette Turner ("Turner403") is a current resident of the City and County of
    San Francisco, and lives at 41 Jones Street, Unit #403, San Francisco, CA, 94102.

  7. Plaintiff Lavonda Myles, ("Myles215") is a current resident of the City and County of Sa
    Francisco, and lives at 41 Jones Street, Unit #215, San Francisco, CA, 94102.

  8. Plaintiff Lloyd Raynor, ("Raynor405") is a current resident of the City and County of San|
    Francisco, and lives at 41 Jones Street, Unit #405, San Francisco, CA, 94102.

ZA. Plaintiff Mark Martins, ("Martins411") is a current resident of the City and County of Sa
Francisco, and lives at 41 Jones Street, Unit # 411, San Francisco, CA, 94102.

  1. Plaintiff Michael Edgar, ("Edgar601") is a current resident of the City and County of San
    Francisco, and lives at 41 Jones Street, Unit #601, San Francisco, CA, 94102.

  2. Plaintiff Nicholas Hoffman, ("Hoffman201") is a current resident of the City and County
    of San Francisco, and lives at 41 Jones Street, Unit #201, San Francisco, CA, 94102.

  3. Plaintiff Raymie L. Brown, ("Brown604") is a current resident of the City and County of
    San Francisco, and lives at 41 Jones Street, Unit #604, San Francisco, CA, 94102.

  4. Plaintiff Roy Robinson, ("Robinson412") is a current resident of the City and County of
    San Francisco, and lives at 41 Jones Street, Unit #412, San Francisco, CA, 94102.

  5. Plaintiff Sean Harper, ("Harper505") is a current resident of the City and County of San

Francisco, and lives at 41 Jones Street, Unit #505, San Francisco, CA, 94102.


  1. Plaintiff Tanya Carrillo, ("Carrillo314") is a current resident of the City and County of
    San Francisco, and lives at 41 Jones Street, Unit #314, San Francisco, CA, 94102.
  2. Plaintiff Tiffany Curry, ("Curry208") is a current resident of the City and County of San
    Francisco, and lives at 41 Jones Street, Unit #208, San Francisco, CA, 94102.
  3. Plaintiff Todd Geffre, ("Geffre404") is a current resident of the City and County of San
    Francisco, and formerly lived at 41 Jones Street, Unit #404, San Francisco, CA, 94102.
  4. Plaintiff William Foster, ("Foster512") is a current resident of the City and County of San
    Francisco, and lives at 41 Jones Street, Unit #512, San Francisco, CA, 94102.
  5. Plaintiff William Truitt, ("Truitt515") is a current resident of the City and County of San
    Francisco, and lives at 41 Jones Street, Unit #515, San Francisco, CA, 94102.
  6. Plaintiff Willie Joyce, ("Joyce703") is a current resident of the City and County of San
    Francisco, and lives at 41 Jones Street, Unit #703, San Francisco, CA, 94102.
  7. Plaintiff Mahi Newberry, ("Newberry704") is a current resident of the City and County o
    San Francisco, and lives at 41 Jones Street, Unit #704, San Francisco, CA, 94102.
  8. Defendant Boyd Hotel, LLC, (“LLC”) is the property owner of the subject premises at all
    time herein.

Craigie v THC 909 Geary, Hartland SRO


l. Plaintiff Allan Craigie, (“Craigie507”) is an individual and current tenant within the City

and County of San Francisco, and lives at 909 Geary Street, Unit #507 San Francisco, CA,

  1. 909 Geary Street is a Single Room Occupancy Multi Use (hereinafter, “SRO”) building
    with attached convenient store at the corner of Geary & Larkin Street in San Francisco

  2. Plaintiff Carl Applon, (“Applon318”’) is an individual and current tenant within the City
    and County of San Francisco, and lives at 909 Geary Street, Unit #318, SF, CA, 94109.

  3. Plaintiff Charles Nola, (“Nola322”) is an individual and current tenant within the City
    and County of San Francisco, and lives at 909 Geary Street, Unit #322, SF, CA, 94109.

  4. Plaintiff Cheryl Anderson, (“Anderson423”’) is an individual and current tenant within th
    City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 909 Geary Street, Unit #423, SF, CA, 94109.

  5. Plaintiff Daniel Hoggs, (“Hoggs410”) is an individual and current tenant within the City
    and County of San Francisco, and lives at 909 Geary Street, Unit #410, SF, CA, 94109.

  6. Plaintiff Deborah Jones, (“Jones306”) is an individual and current tenant within the City
    and County of San Francisco, and lives at 909 Geary Street, Unit #306, SF, CA, 94109.

e Plaintiff Deborah Jones (“Jones412”) is an individual and current tenant within the City
and County of San Francisco, and lives at 909 Geary Street, Unit #412, SF, CA, 94109.

  1. Plaintiff Duvonce Bean, (“Bean315”’) is an individual and current tenant within the City
    and County of San Francisco, and lives at 909 Geary Street, Unit #315, SF, CA, 94109.

  2. Plaintiff Ezra Rogers, (“Rogers205”) is an individual and current tenant within the City
    and County of San Francisco, and lives at 909 Geary Street Unit #205, SF, CA, 94109.

  3. Plaintiff Karen Vanderwal, (“Vanderwal604’) is an individual and current tenant within
    the City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 909 Geary Street, Unit #604, SF, CA, 94109.

  4. Plaintiff Kham Phady, (“Phady309”) is an individual and current tenant within the City
    and County of San Francisco, and lives at 909 Geary Street Street, Unit #309, SF, CA, 94109.

  5. Plaintiff Lawrence Hollins, (“Hollins427’) is an individual and current tenant within the
    City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 909 Geary Street, Unit #427, SF, CA, 94109.

  6. Plaintiff Manuel Randle, (““Randle308”’) is an individual and current tenant within the

City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 909 Geary Street, Unit #308, SF, CA, 94109.

  1. Plaintiff Mc Cranie French, (“French317”) is an individual and current tenant within the
    City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 909 Geary Street, Unit #317, SF, CA, 94109.

  2. Plaintiff Paige Adams, (“Adams606”) is an individual and current tenant within the City
    and County of San Francisco, and lives at 909 Geary Street, Unit #606, SF, CA, 94109.

  3. Plaintiff, Rickey Dial (“Dial418”’) is an individual and current tenant within the City and
    County of San Francisco, and lives at 909 Geary Street, Unit #418, SF, CA, 94109.

  4. Plaintiff, Sharon Ducksworth (“Ducksworth614”) is an individual and current tenant
    within the City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 909 Geary Street, Unit #614, SF, CA,

  5. Plaintiff, Shuntae Williams (“Willimas415”) is an individual and current tenant within
    the City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 909 Geary Street, Unit #415, SF, CA, 94109.

  6. Plaintiff William Martin, (“Martin514’’) is an individual and current tenant within the
    City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 909 Geary Street, Unit #514, SF, CA, 94109.

  7. Plaintiff Gina Villar (“Villar315”’) is an individual and current tenant within the City and
    County of San Francisco, and lives at 909 Geary Street, Unit #315, SF, CA, 94109.

  8. Defendant 909 Geary Street, LLC, (“LLC”) has been the property owner of the Premises
    at all times relevant to this Complaint.

  9. Defendant Tenderloin Housing Clinic, Inc., (“TLC”) has been the property manager for
    the Premises at all times relevant to the Complaint.

Wynton Hotel, 445 O'Farrell added 12.9.24


  1. Plaintiff EMILY ADDIE, at all relevant times was a resident of The Winton Hotel
    located at 445 O’Farrell Street, San Francisco, California 94102 (hereinafter “WINTON
    HOTEL”) in Unit 203, from April 2024 to the present.
  2. Plaintiff MARIA CHRISTIANA BENDANA, at all relevant times was a resident of the
    WINTON HOTEL in Unit 227, from August 2023 to present.
  3. Plaintiff JESSICA BENSON, at all relevant times was a resident of the WINTON
    HOTEL in Unit 422, from 2017 through 2022.
  4. Plaintiff KEVIN DEFILIPPO, at all relevant times was a resident of the WINTON
    HOTEL in Unit 406, from August 2024 to the present.
  5. Plaintiff LEMONIER DILLARD, at all relevant times was a resident of the WINTON
    HOTEL in Unit 204, from August 2023 to the present.
  6. Plaintiff JAMES DUFFY, at all relevant times was a resident of the WINTON HOTEL in
    Unit 217, from 2019 to the present.
  7. Plaintiff DANIELLE EDWARDS, at all relevant times was a resident of the WINTON
    HOTEL in Unit 208, from August 2021 to the present.
  8. Plaintiff ANTHONY FORD, at all relevant times was a resident of the WINTON
    HOTEL in Unit 223, from March 2003 to the present.
  9. Plaintiff MICHELLE GUIDISH, at all relevant times was a resident of the WINTON
    HOTEL in Unit 216, from August 2020 to the present.
  10. Plaintiff WALLACE HARRIS, at all relevant times was a resident of the WINTON
    HOTEL in Unit 226, from 2009 to the present.

Complaint for Damages
Addie, et al. v. Winton Hotel, et. al.

  1. Plaintiff CARLOS HERNANDEZ, at all relevant times was a resident of the WINTON
    HOTEL in Unit 308, from 2019 to the present.
  2. Plaintiff LONNIE HOLDEN, at all relevant times was a resident of the WINTON
    HOTEL in Unit 321, from February 2024 to the present.
  3. Plaintiff MAGEB HUSSAIN, at all relevant times was a resident of the WINTON
    HOTEL in Unit 314, from 2021 to the present.
  4. Plaintiff THOMAS ISAAC, at all relevant times was a resident of the WINTON HOTEL
    in Unit 311, from August 2020 to the present.
  5. Plaintiff STEPHANIE LAUREN HUSTON, at all relevant times was a resident of the
    WINTON HOTEL in Unit 211, from September 2024 to the present.
  6. Plaintiff NICHOLAS JACOBS, at all relevant times was a resident of the WINTON
    HOTEL in Unit 215, from December 2022 to the present.
  7. Plaintiff MICHAEL KELLOUGH, at all relevant times was a resident of the WINTON
    HOTEL in Unit 400, from 1997 to the present.
  8. Plaintiff JEFFREY MACK, at all relevant times was a resident of the WINTON HOTEL
    in Unit 415, from 2022 to the present.
  9. Plaintiff JANIE SUE MACLIN, at all relevant times was a resident of the WINTON
    HOTEL in Unit 322, from August 2023 to the present.
  10. Plaintiff SHAWAN PAUL MACLIN, at all relevant times was a resident of the
    WINTON HOTEL in Unit 322, from August 2023 to the present.
  11. Plaintiff VANESSA JOE MOORE, at all relevant times was a resident of the WINTON
    HOTEL in Unit 212, from August 2023 to the present.
  12. Plaintiff JOHN NELSON, at all relevant times was a resident of the WINTON HOTEL in
    Unit 423, from 2021 to the present.
  13. Plaintiff PATRICIA ODERIO-COVETTI, at all relevant times was a resident of the
    WINTON HOTEL in Unit 306, from February 2020 to the present.
  14. Plaintiff RYAN PALMER, at all relevant times was a resident of the WINTON HOTEL
    in Unit 316, from 2021 to 2023.

Complaint for Damages
Addie, et al. v. Winton Hotel, et. al.

  1. Plaintiff SHAWANA REED, at all relevant times was a resident of the WINTON
    HOTEL in Unit 219, from January 2020 to the present.
  2. Plaintiff MIA I. SALVAGGIO, at all relevant times was a resident of the WINTON
    HOTEL in Unit 201, from October 2023 to the present.
  3. Plaintiff EDDIE THOMAS III, at all relevant times was a resident of the WINTON
    HOTEL in Unit 228, from 2019 to the present.
  4. Plaintiff NICHOLAS THOMAS, JR., at all relevant times was a resident of the WINTON
    HOTEL in Unit 229, from 2018 to the present.
  5. Plaintiff ROBERT C. VELA JR., at all relevant times was a resident of the WINTON
    HOTEL in Unit 218, from September 2022 to the present.
  6. Plaintiff DANITA WILLIAMS, at all relevant times was a resident of the WINTON
    HOTEL in Unit 202, from 2019 to the present

Garland hotel plaintiffs, 505 O'Farrell, filed 10.28.24

  1. Plaintiff Angel Anderson, (“Anderson608”) is an individual and current tenant within the
    City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 505 O’Farrell Street, Unit #608 San Francisco,
    CA, 94102. 909 Geary Street is a Single Room Occupancy Multi Use (hereinafter, “SRO”)
    building at the corner of O’Farrell & Jones Street in San Francisco (“Premises”).

  2. Plaintiff Carol Prows, (“Prows602”) is an individual and current tenant within the City
    and County of San Francisco, and lives at 505 O’Farrell Street, Unit #602, SF, CA, 94102.

  3. Plaintiff Christy McKinney, (“McKinney215”) is an individual and current tenant within
    the City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 505 O’Farrell Street, Unit #215, SF, CA,

  4. Plaintiff Corey Niederhauser, (“Niederhauser508”) is an individual and current tenant
    within the City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 505 O’Farrell Street, Unit #508, SF,
    CA, 94102.

  5. Plaintiff Darrick Taylor, (“Taylor311”) is an individual and current tenant within the City
    and County of San Francisco, and lives at 505 O’Farrell Street, Unit #311, SF, CA, 94102.

  6. Plaintiff Eric Cornute, (“Cornute505”) is an individual and current tenant within the City
    and County of San Francisco, and lives at 505 O’Farrell Street, Unit #505, SF, CA, 94102.

  7. Plaintiff John Dwyer (“Dwyer209”) is an individual and current tenant within the City
    and County of San Francisco, and lives at 505 O’Farrell Street, Unit #209, SF, CA, 94102.

  8. Plaintiff Keith Kelly, (“Kelly217”) is an individual and current tenant within the City and
    County of San Francisco, and lives at 505 O’Farrell Street, Unit #217, SF, CA, 94102.

  9. Plaintiff Michael Knutson, (“Knutson308”) is an individual and current tenant within the
    City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 505 O’Farrell Street Unit #308, SF, CA, 94102.

  10. Plaintiff Molique Frank, (“Frank212”) is an individual and current tenant within the City
    and County of San Francisco, and lives at 505 O’Farrell Street, Unit #212, SF, CA, 94102.

  11. Plaintiff Nicole Borras, (“Borras609”) is an individual and current tenant within the City
    and County of San Francisco, and lives at 505 O’Farrell Street Street, Unit #505, SF, CA, 94102.

  12. Plaintiff Paul Brown, (“Brown409”) is an individual and current tenant within the City
    and County of San Francisco, and lives at 505 O’Farrell Street, Unit #409, SF, CA, 94102.

  13. Plaintiff Robert Carty, (“Carty517”) is an individual and current tenant within the City
    and County of San Francisco, and lives at 505 O’Farrell Street, Unit #517, SF, CA, 94102.

  14. Plaintiff Stacy Elliot, (“Elliott503”) is an individual and current tenant within the City
    and County of San Francisco, and lives at 505 O’Farrell Street, Unit #503, SF, CA, 94102.

  15. Plaintiff Terry Morgan, (“Morgan605”) is an individual and current tenant within the
    City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 505 O’Farrell Street, Unit #605, SF, CA, 94102.

Mission Hotel, Davis v THC plaintiffs

Plaintiff Cepheus Davis, (“Davis387”) is an individual and current tenant within the City
and County of San Francisco, and lives at 520 S. Van Ness Street, Unit #387 San Francisco, CA,

  1. 520 S. Van Ness Street is a Single Room Occupancy (hereinafter, “SRO”) building at the
    corner of South Van Ness and 16th Street in San Francisco (“Premises”).
  2. Plaintiff Charles Gardner, (“Gardner248”) is an individual and current tenant within the
    City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 520 S. Van Ness Street, Unit #248, SF, CA,
  3. Plaintiff Cheryl Howard, (“Howard299”) is an individual and current tenant within the
    City and County of San Francsico, and lives at 520 S. Van Ness Street, Unit #299, SF, CA,
  4. Plaintiff Curtis Seaver, (“Seaver216”) is an individual and current tenant within the City
    and County of San Francisco, and lives at 520 S. Van Ness Street, Unit #216, SF, CA, 94110.
  5. Plaintiff Donald Doss, (“Doss318”) is an individual and current tenant within the City
    and County of San Francisco, and lives at 520 S. Van Ness Street, Unit #318, SF, CA, 94110.
  6. Plaintiff Duane Fields, (“Fields133”) is an individual and current tenant within the City
    and County of San Francisco, and lives at 520 S. Van Ness Street, Unit #133, SF, CA, 94110.
  7. Plaintiff Francis Lennon, (“Lennon148”) is an individual and current tenant within the
    City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 520 S. Van Ness Street, Unit #148, SF, CA,
  8. Plaintiff IM Parsons, (“Parsons319”) is an individual and current tenant within the City
    and County of San Francisco, and lives at 520 S. Van Ness Street, Unit #319, SF, CA, 94110.
  9. Plaintiff Imelda Penate, (“Penate320”) is an individual and current tenant within the City
    and County of San Francisco, and lives at 520 S. Van Ness Street Unit #320, SF, CA, 94110.
  10. Plaintiff Israel Williams, (“Williams373”) is an individual and current tenant within the
    City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 520 S. Van Ness Street, Unit #125, SF, CA,
  11. Plaintiff Jennifer Lynn Haun, (“Haun373”) is an individual and current tenant within the
    City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 520 S. Van Ness Street, Unit #373, SF, CA,
  12. Plaintiff Joni Perkins, (“Perkins156”) is an individual and current tenant within the City
    and County of San Francisco, and lives at 520 S. Van Ness Street, Unit #156, SF, CA, 94110.
  13. Plaintiff Latricia Jackson, (“Jackson328”) is an individual and current tenant within the
    City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 520 S. Van Ness Street, Unit #328, SF, CA,
  14. Plaintiff Louise Irish, (“Irish108”) is an individual and current tenant within the City and
    County of San Francisco, and lives at 520 S. Van Ness Street, Unit #108, SF, CA, 94110.
  15. Plaintiff Lynicia Thomas, (“Thomas148”) is an individual and current tenant within the
    City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 520 S. Van Ness Street, Unit #148, SF, CA,
  16. Plaintiff, Mario Pena (“Pena289”) is an individual and current tenant within the City and
    County of San Francisco, and lives at 520 S. Van Ness Street, Unit #289, SF, CA, 94110.
  17. Plaintiff, Matthew Warner (“Warner359”) is an individual and current tenant within the
    City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 520 S. Van Ness Street, Unit #359, SF, CA,
  18. Plaintiff, Michaela Nickerson (“Nickerson207”) is an individual and current tenant within
    the City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 520 S. Van Ness Street, Unit #207, SF, CA,
  19. Plaintiff Michelle Green, (“Green315”) is an individual and current tenant within the City
    and County of San Francisco, and lives at 520 S. Van Ness Street, Unit #315, SF, CA, 94110.
  20. Plaintiff Nathaniel Kelly (“Kelly327”) is an individual and current tenant within the City
    and County of San Francisco, and lives at 520 S. Van Ness Street, Unit #327, SF, CA, 94110.
  21. Plaintiff Quinton Buttars, (“Buttars207”) is an individual and current tenant within the
    City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 520 S. Van Ness Street, Unit #207, SF, CA,


  1. Plaintiff Quinzo Collins, (“Collins392”) is an individual and current tenant within the
    City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 520 S. Van Ness Street, Unit #392, SF, CA,
  2. Plaintiff Roger Basso, (“Basso126”) is an individual and current tenant within the City
    and County of San Francisco, and lives at 520 S. Van Ness Street, Unit #126, SF, CA, 94110.
  3. Plaintiff Sammy Sterio, (“Sterio150”) is an individual and current tenant within the City
    and County of San Francisco, and lives at 520 S. Van Ness Street, Unit #150, SF, CA, 94110.
  4. Plaintiff Terry Lane, (“Lane351”) is an individual and current tenant within the City and
    County of San Francisco, and lives at 520 S. Van Ness Street, Unit #351, SF, CA, 94110.
  5. Plaintiff Tyrone Shingledecker, (“Shingledecker325”) is an individual and current tenant
    within the City and County of San Francisco, and formally lived at 520 S. Van Ness Street, Unit #325
  6. Plaintiff Carolos Hernandez, (“Hernandez361”) is an individual and current tenant within
    the City and County of San Francisco, and lives at 520 S. Van Ness Street, Unit # 361, SF, CA,
  7. Plaintiff Michael Rose, (“Rose391”) is an individual and current tenant within the City
    and County of San Francisco, and lives at 520 S. Van Ness Street, Unit #391, SF, CA, 94110.
  8. Plaintiff Laura Rumbo, (“Rumbo314”) is an individual and current tenant within the City
    and County of San Francisco, and formally lived at 520 S. Van Ness Street, Unit #314, SF, CA,

Anderson v Mercy Housing 833 Bryant plaintiff list

Plaintiff CURTIS'ANDERSON moved into the subject premises, had
paid rent, and had remained a resident for at least thirty-two (32) day and is thus a
tenant of said premises.
• 17. Plaintiff TERRENCE BANKS moved into the subject premises, had paid
rent, and had remained a resident for at least thirty-two (32) day and is thus a tenant of
said premises.

  1. Plaintiff IRMA BRADLEYSHAW moved into the subject premises, had
    paid rent, and had remained a resident for at least .thirty-two (32) day and is thus a
    tenant of said premises.

  2. Plaintiff AARON BRUNDIGE moyed into the subject premises, had
    paid rent, and had remained a resident for at least thirty-two (32) day and is thus a
    tenant of said premises.

  3. Plaintiff CHRISTINA CARDOZA moved into the subject premises, had
    paid rent, and had remained a resident for at least thirty-two (32) day and is thus a
    tenant of said premises.

  4. Plaintiff JOHNNY CRAWFORD moved into the subject premises and
    had remained a known resident for at least thirty-two (32) day and is thus.a tenant of
    said premises.

  5. Plaintiff PAMELA DARDEN moved into the subject premises, had paid
    rent, and had remained a resident for at least thirty-two (32) day and is thus a tenant of
    said premises.

  6. Plaintiff TOMI DAVIS moved into the subject premises, had paid rent,
    and had remained a resident for at least thirty-two (32) day and is thus a tenant of said
    premises. .

  7. Plaintiff TONY DELEMA moved into the subject premises, had paid
    .rent, and had remained a resident for at least thirty-two (32) day and is thus a tenant of

said premises.

  1. Plaintiff DIEGO DURAN moved into the subject premises, had paid
    rent, and had remained a resident for at least thirty-two(32) day and is thus a tenant of
    said premises.

  2. Plaintiff DONA ELDERS moved into the subject premises, had paid
    rent, and had remained a resident for at least thirty-two (32) day and is thus a tenant of
    said premises.

  3. Plaintiff JAIME FAALOGOIFO moved into the subject premises, had
    paid rent, and had remained a resident for at least thirty-two (32) day and is thus a
    tenant of said premises.

  4. Plaintiff STEVEN FERGUSON moved into the subject premises, had
    paid rent,. and had remained a resident for at least thirty-two (32) day and is thus a
    tenant of said premises.

  5. Plaintiff SITYLENE FLORES moved into the subject premises, had paid
    rent, and had remained a resident for at least thirty-two (32) day and is thus a tenant of
    said premises.

  6. Plaintiff AL• EGRA FREEMAN moved into the subject premises, had
    paid rent, and had remained a resident for at least thirty-two (32) day and is thus a
    tenant of said premises.

  7. Plaintiff FRED GORTON moved into the subject premises, had paid
    rent, and had remained a resident for at least•thirty-two (32) day and is thus a tenant of

  8. Plaintiff SELESTINE GRAHAM moved into the subject premises, had
    paid rent, and had remained a resident for at least thirty-two (32) day and is thus a
    tenant of said premises.

  9. Plaintiff BELTRAN GEMORA moved into the subject premises, had
    paid rent, and had remained a resident for at least thirty-two (32) day and is thus a

tenant of said premises.

  1. Plaintiff JASON GREATHOUS.E moved into the subject premises, had
    paid rent, and had remained a resident for at least thirty-two (32) day and is thus a
    tenant of said premises.

  2. . Plaintiff AMANDA HINKLE moved into the subject premises, had paid
    rent, and had remained a resident for at least thirty-two (32) day and is thus a tenant of
    said premises.

  3. Plaintiff REGINALD HUGHES moved into the subject premises, had
    paid rent, and had remained a resident for at least thirty-two (32) day and is thus a
    tenant of said premises.

  4. Plaintiff ROBERT HURLEY moved into the subject premises, had paid
    rent, and had remained a resident for at least thirty-two (32) day and is thus a tenant of
    said premises.

  5. Plaintiff SPENCINA JACKSON moved into the subject premises, had
    paid rent, and had remained a residenf for at least thirty-two (32) day and is thus a
    tenant of said premises.
    •39. Plaintiff SHANTE JOHNSON moved into the subject premises, had paid
    rent, and had remained a resident for at least thirty-two (32) day and is thus a tenant of
    said premises.

  6. Plaintiff SEAN KEYOTE moved into the subject premises, had paid
    rent, and had remained a resident for at least thirty-two (32) day and is thus a tenant of
    said premises.

  7. Plaintiff MANUEL METCALF moved into the subject premises, had
    paid rent, and had remained a resident for at least thirty-two (32) day and is thus a
    tenant of said premises.

  8. Plaintiff ERIC MOSS moved into the subject premises, had paid rent,
    and had remained a resident for at least thirty-two (32) day and is thus a:tenant of said

  9. Plaintiff STEPHEN PERRY moved into the subject premises, had paid
    rent, and had remained a resident for at least thirty-two (32) dayand is thus a tenant of
    said premises.

  10. Plaintiff ROBERT PORTER moved into the subject premises, had paid
    rent, and had remained a resident for at least thirty-two (32) day and is thus a tenant of
    said premises.

  11. Plaintiff STANLEY PROCTOR moved into the subjectpremises, had
    paid rent, and had remained a resident for at least thirty-two (32) day and is thus a
    tenant of said premises. ' '

  12. Plaintiff JAVIER RAMIREZ•nioved into the subject premises, had paid
    rent, and had remained a resident for at least thirty-two (32) day and is thus a tenant of
    said premises.

  13. Plaintiff YOLANDA REED moved into the subject premises, had paid
    rent, and had remained a resident for at least thirty-two (32) day and is thus a tenant of
    said premises.

  14. Plaintiff TIMOTHY REILLY moved into the subject premises, had paid
    rent, and had remained a resident for at least thirty7two (32) day and is thus a tenant of
    said premises.

  15. Plaintiff JACKIE ROBINSON moved into the subject premises, had paid
    rent, and had remained a resident for at least thirty-two (32) day and is thus a tenant of
    said premises.

  16. Plaintiff AUBIN SCOTLAND moved into the subject premises, had paid
    rent, and had remained a resident for at.least thirty-two (32) day and i s
    thus a tenant of
    said premises.

  17. Plaintiff JIM SMITH moved into the subject premises, had paid rent, and
    had remained a resident for at least thirty-two (32).day and is thus a tenant of said

  18. Plaintiff MISAMI SMITH moved into the subject premises, had paid
    rent, and had remained a resident for at least thirty-two (32) day and is thus a tenant of
    said premises.

  19. Plaintiff MARK SUTTON moved into the subject premises, had paid
    rent, and had remained a resident for at least thirty-two (32) day and is thus a tenant of said premises

  20. Plaintiff EMORY TAYLOR moved into the subject premises, had paid
    rent, and had remained a resident for at least thirty-two (32) day and is thus a tenant of
    said premises.

  21. Plaintiff FREDDY TAYLOR moved into the subject premises, had paid
    rent, and had remained a resident for at least thirty-two (32) day and is thus a tenant of

said premises.

  1. Plaintiff NICHOLE THIERRY moved into the subject premises, had
    paid rent, and had remained a resident for at least thirty-two (32) day and is thus a
    tenant of said premises.
  2. ' Plaintiff ANGELA UNDERWOOD moved into the subject premises,
    had paid rent, and had remained a resident for'at least thirty-two (32) day and is thus a
    tenant of said premises.
  3. Plaintiff RUBIN VILLAREAL moved into the subject premises, had
    paid rent, and had remained a resident for at least thirty-two (32) day and is thus a
    tenant of said premises.
  4. Plaintiff BRYAN WHILEY. moved into the subject premises, had paid
    rent, and had remained a resident for at least thirty-two (32) day and is thus a tenant of
    said premises.
  5. Plaintiff CASSANDRA WYATT moved into the subject premises, had
    paid rent, and had remained a resident for at .least thirty-two (32) day and is thus a

833 Bryant 1st amended more names added

  1. Plaintiff SHAWN BUCKMASTER moved into the subject premises, had
    10 .
    paid rent, and had remained a resident for at least thirty-two (32) day and is thus a
    tenant of said premises.
  2. Plaintiff MATTHEW BYRD moved into the subject premises, had paid
    rent, and had remained a resident for at least thirty-two (32) day and is thus a tenant of
    said premises.
  3. Plaintiff MICHAEL HEALY moved into the subject premises, had paid

rent, and had remained a resident for at least thirty-two (32) day and is thus a tenant of
said premises.

  1. Plaintiff ROBIN KIMBALL moved into the subject premises, had paid
    rent, and had remained a resident for at least thirty-two (32) day and is thus a tenant of
    said premises.
  2. Plaintiff ELAINE LUNA moved into the subject premises, had paid
    rent, and had remained a resident for at least thirty-two (32) day and is thus a tenant of
    said premises.
  3. Plaintiff LESLIE MALLO moved into the subject premises, had paid
    rent, arid had remained a resident for at least thirty-two (32) day and is thus a tenant of
    said premises.
  4. Plaintiff DAWSON MAYS moved into the subject premises, had paid
    rent, and had remained a resident for at least thirty-two (32) day and is thus a tenant of
    said premises. .
  5. Plaintiff MARCUS McNEALEY moved into the subject premises, had
    paid rent, and had remained a resident for at least thirty-two (32) day and is thus a

tenant of said premises.

  1. Plaintiff ELAINE NIAMATA moved into the subject, premises, had paid
    rent, and had remained a resident for at least thirty-two (32) day and is thus a tenant of
    said premises.

  2. Plaintiff SIDNEY POPE moved into the subject premises, had paid rent,
    and had remained a resident for at least thirty-two (32) day and is thus a tenant of said

  3. Plaintiff JASON QUINONES moved into the subject premises, had paid
    rent, and had remained a resident for at least thirty-two (32) day and is thus a tenant of
    said premises.

  4. Plaintiff MARTHA REYES moved into the subject premises, had paid
    rent, and had remained a resident for at least thirty-two (32) day and is thus a tenant

  5. Plaintiff MANUEL RUBIN moved into the subject premises, had paid
    rent, and had remained a resident for at least thirty-two (32) day and is thus a tenant of
    said premises.

  6. . Plaintiff MORRIS SYLVE moved into the subject premises, had paid
    rent, and had •remained a resident for at least thirty-two(32) day and is thus a tenant of
    said premises.

  7. Plaintiff SHANNELL STEWART moved into' the subject premises, had
    paid rent, and had remained a resident for at least thirty-two (32) day and is thus a
    tenant of said premises.

  8. Plaintiff LARRY THOMAS moved into the subject premises, had paid
    rent, and had remained a resident for at least thirty-two (32) day and is thus a tenant of
    said premises.

  9. Plaintiff SAM WOLF moved into the subject premises, had paid rent,
    and had remained a resident for at least thirty-two (32) day and is thus a tenant of said

Robinson v TODCO filed 2.24.25 plaintiff list

Complaint for Damages
Robinson, et al. v. Eberling, et. al.

  1. This Court is the proper court because the subject of this action occurred exclusively
    within the jurisdictional area of the City and County of San Francisco.
  2. Further, PLAINTIFFS’ damages were suffered exclusively within the jurisdictional area
    of the City and County of San Francisco.
  3. Further, each Plaintiff suffered harms in excess of the jurisdiction of this Court.
  4. Plaintiff PATRICIA ROBINSON, at all relevant times was a tenant of the premises
    located at 1095 Mission Street, San Francisco, California 94103 (hereinafter “HOTEL
    ISABEL”) in Unit 308.
  5. Plaintiff ANTHONY ROBINSON, at all relevant times was a tenant of the HOTEL
    ISABEL in Unit 300.
  6. Plaintiff MONIKA BARNETT, at all relevant times was a tenant of the HOTEL ISABEL
    in Unit 310.
  7. Plaintiffs LAURA BENN AND TONY BENN, at all relevant times were tenants of the
    HOTEL ISABEL in Unit 408.
  8. Plaintiff WANDA ROSS, at all relevant times was a tenant of the HOTEL ISABEL in
    Unit 509.
  9. Plaintiff ANGELA KELLUM, at all relevant times was a tenant of the HOTEL ISABEL
    in Unit 203.
  10. Plaintiff RANDY CHAU, at all relevant times was a tenant of the HOTEL ISABEL in
    Unit 205.
  11. Plaintiff DESHAY DORHAN, at all relevant times was a tenant of the HOTEL ISABEL
    in Unit 412.
  12. Plaintiff ANGELIQUE MAYWEATHER, at all relevant times was a tenant of the
    HOTEL ISABEL in Unit 400.
  13. Plaintiff JESSE GREENBERG, at all relevant times was a tenant of the HOTEL ISABEL
    in Unit 407.
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How new legislation could intensify the concentration of addicts in the Tenderloin

Two supervisors, Matt Dorsey and Rafael Mandelman are currently working on new legislation to provide up to 25% of funding to be used for recovery housing, or sober housing according to the SF Standard

The legislation will be posted here once introduced, but according to the article it only applies to new buildings yet to be contracted out to non profits

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San Francisco supportive housing restraining orders

San Francisco supportive housing restraining orders - work in progress. This is not a complete list, just the easiest to find. Some may be buried deeper in the database. Somewhat related are evictions but that usually involved property damage rather than threats to staff like restraining orders


CCH-25-587957 filed 3.20.25



Tenderloin Housing Clinic

TENDERLOIN HOUSING CLINIC VS. ROMELLE RATTLER CCH-24-587198 restraining order filed 8.5.24 client with extensive criminal history threatens to shoot staff



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Randy Shaw’s Power Plays 1996

This article was originally published in the SF Weekly March 27, 1996. It ios no longer in the archives. Another archive was created on

This is a 3rd backup archive

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The Tenderloin downzone doom loop

This post is to show that an entire city department, The San Francisco Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing (HSH) has been actively concentrating addicts and active criminals into the Tenderloin, Mid Market and SOMA for two decades. This is also related to a recent federal lawsuit holding the city accountable for nuisance. This is related to a 2010 article on then police chief George Gascon describing the Tenderloin as a containment zone. In 2010, San Francisco had an estimate 4000 drug addicts. In 2022, that number exploded to 24,500 addicts with over 13,000 of those living in city subsidized units, mostly in the Tenderloin. Also related is a previous post on Housing First evictions in SF with links to studies showing most are addicts. The Criminal Order Beneath the 'Chaos' of San Francisco's Tenderloin

Update. One prime example of tenants being displaced in favor of subsidized HSH clients

One of the hundreds of examples of businesses closing in the Tenderloin and Mid Market area, the Argentum Project, a Greek cafe on 6th street closed because of drug dealers and users harrassing them. Here's the letter they wrote before they left in 2020

Also, a member of the Central Market Community Benefits District recently testified that surrounding city subsidized SRO residents are causing problems around 6th and Market

This Tenderloin doom loop was described back in 2011 during the Twitter tax break hearings in 2011
also on Civic Center Blog

With this quote by H Brown

The Tenderloin downzone doom loop started in the 1980's with the goal of preserving housing for low income tenants, but over time has become corrupted and completely skewed from it's original intent. This centers on two laws from that era, the SRO Demolition Ordinance and a planning commission code limiting height in the Tenderloin area. Both of these are linked here

In 2011, the writer of these two laws, Randy Shaw, spoke at the San Francisco Board of Supervisors and bragged about downzoning the Tenderloin. This was followed by H Brown saying that Randy Shaw has displaced the original working poor in Tenderloin SROs and replaced them with addicts. This is because Randy Shaw and other non profits contract with the San Francisco Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing which has a policy of prioritizing addicts for these SROs. Randy Shaw admits this in his own blog and also admits developing this policy prioritizing addicts. This means that the intent was not to preserve low income housing as has been claimed , but to replace low income working people with hardcore drug addicts from around the country. Update, a recent SFPD report in 2024 says that 91% of arrested drug users in SF are not from SF

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Los Angeles Sheriff Alex Villanueva public forum July 21, 2021

On July 21, 2021, LA county Sheriff Villanueva held a publuc forum Q&A abd presser originally posted on Instagram here

This has now been re-upped to youtube and a transcript made

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Brigitte Dollarhide

Brigitte Dollarhide is 76 Years old (born in 1944) and is a body builder in Texas

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link dump

1.How Federal Intervention Can Ease California’s Homeless Crisis

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suicide at the Seneca

On February 20, 2019, a twitter user captured this in front of the Seneca SRO hotel at 34 6th street, which is a Tenderloin Housing Clinic supported housing for the homeless

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